While gambling is a fun novelty and a social activity, it should only be used occasionally and in moderation. However, when an individual’s gambling habits become problematic, they can be a source of stress and anxiety. Fortunately, there are many organisations that can help. These organizations offer counselling and support to those suffering from gambling problems and their families.
Problems with compulsive gambling
Although most people think of compulsive gambling as a problem that only affects the young, older adults can also be affected by this behavior. Several risk factors may increase a person’s chances of developing a gambling disorder. These include genetics, environment, and biological factors. Additionally, compulsive gamblers are more likely to have co-occurring mental disorders, such as ADHD, OCD, and bipolar disorder. Gambling problems are more common in men than in women, and they tend to affect younger to middle-aged adults. Furthermore, a gambling problem can also be triggered by the influence of family members and friends.
Fortunately, there are resources available to help people suffering from compulsive gambling. There are also support groups online where people can connect with others who are experiencing the same issues. These groups meet virtually twice a month, and are open to all who are looking for support.
Costs of compulsive gambling to society
The costs of compulsive gambling to society are not calculated in a purely monetary way. They vary in size depending on the method used to measure them. One way is through a lump sum calculation of the direct costs to society (health care, prisons, and lost wages). Another method uses a bottom-up approach and divides the total costs by the number of affected people. For example, the costs for gambling-related debt counseling and treatment services would be divided by the total number of people affected by gambling.
The costs of compulsive gambling to society are also measured in indirect costs. These are the costs that result from loss of productivity due to compulsive gambling. Indirect costs relate to the value of resources not created. In the case of pathological gambling, time is a scarce resource with a substitute cost. The value of a person’s work per hour lost due to compulsive gambling is the average gross salary plus social security contributions. The costs of pathological gambling to society include other costs such as unemployment compensation and retraining.
Health consequences of compulsive gambling
Compulsive gambling, also known as gambling disorder, is a serious mental condition. It can lead to a number of health problems. Gamblers often use savings and debt to chase their losses and may resort to stealing and fraudulent activities to cover up their behaviour. Even their relationships with other people can be negatively affected.
Compulsive gambling can also lead to depression and hopelessness. Some people who gamble may even attempt suicide. It can also lead to skin problems, weight gain, acne, and dark circles under the eyes. Those who are severely addicted to the activity are also at risk for skin problems, depression, and self-harm tendencies.
Gambling addiction can be treated with various methods. The most effective forms of treatment focus on treating the addiction by changing negative attitudes and replacing them with positive ones. In severe cases, a person may need to go through an inpatient rehab program. Other methods include group therapy and family therapy.